Saturday 28 December 2013

OUR "Банк тоба""

I invite my readers to take a look on my second blog : 

My ambition, from this second blog,  is explaining empirically the concept of  "Outsourced Resources Banking"... I had many personal problems this year .... It should change in 2014 !!! 

As a pro geographer, with pro training in emergency management, I am tired to see social pain worldwide because of the financial crisis ..... So I expect to create my company early next year to use empirically my methodology on the field of Skills management or Emergency management.

ECONOMY is inside the social links !!!!! not in money ....

Friday 27 December 2013

My Wish for 2014 !!!

For 18 months, I explained you on this research blog a new monetary paradigm , based on 2 main facts.
•    Money has been invented to be a guarantee (not a value, not  a debt).
•    Private Banks can and must create money, but not the national currency .

The social pain worldwide nowadays is “heart breaking” and has no sense, because there are ways to be innovative and mitigate problems …..

I have a training in Emergency management !! However, I am disabled  (    ) and will never be include in a HAZMAT team …. It’s the reason I decided to focus my research skills on the world financial crisis …… 

My main wish for 2014  is to find some partners and a way to spread the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” on two fields :  Skills management and Emergency management.

The current financial system worldwide is not sustainable, it’s time to think , WHY ..??

Wednesday 25 December 2013

A message for Christmas

Why money is « GOD » ??

Only because the human being has forgotten its intrinsic social nature …..

Communism is probably  the best doctrine at the local or community level around a common project , but this doctrine is clearly not effective for a State, a Nation, a Country.

Individual property is important as a part of our identity , but not for money which is only a debt .... backed by somebody else.

With the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”, we trust exchanges, interactions, common projects …. with ad hoc currencies …., not production / consumption with fiat currencies !!!

Don't be the money slaves !!!  Money is only worthless papers or numbers on the computers ..... The world is still wealthy for positive exchanges with an innovative monetary methodology. 

Friday 20 December 2013

2014 ....

The currencies in the emerging countries will probably continue to collapse ….. because  money come in less quantity from the West .... QE has never created some true wealth.

The stock market seems really overrated …. ( Best Example, The Facebook share costs 55$)

USA and Eurozone are still in big troubles, with a massive poverty !!!! and even if China owns a very important  reserve of physical Gold, … The country has an unsustainable banking system, with a too massive amount of credits.

Without a global Refundation of the financial and monetary system, It seems difficult to be optimistic for the World !!! It’s  the reason  I have created this research blog, to offer an innovative methodology to understand what money is …. 

No boring financial analysis here, only an main idea and some patterns 

Thursday 19 December 2013

The love of money

Money is the ultimate form of human emancipation ..... However, the Mankind is a Social System !!!  and the current financial scheme is  a threat for  this system !!! Individualism can be lethal ..... and the abusive love of money is a bad road.

It's my motivation to develop the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" ... I respect the individual property, but the financial world needs an innovative change. 

Saturday 14 December 2013

THE LOST DECADE 2007 – 2017 ….

Nobody can say accurately how will be the future …. However, I don’t see many reasons to be optimistic  in USA, in Japan,  in the Eurozone and even in Russia and China (where individuals have debts at a high level) !!! 

THERE ARE TOO MUCH “MONEY DEBT”  , CREATED BY PRIVATE BANKS !!! A 50 euro note IS NOT 50 euros on a Visa card !!!

Austerity, unemployment will continue to delete all the bad debts without risks for the assets’ owners…. It will take Years until we can think about a new monetary system …. 

The Asiatic countries and Russia have enough Gold and natural resources to be able to back a new currency , in case of collapse ….. 

On this research blog, we have opened the door on a sustainable monetary system  !!!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

A public problem (currency/ taxes) in private hands (banks)

A State needs a currency to bring back taxes ....  A State needs some taxes to fullfill its missions.

With the concept of "Fractional Reserve Banking", a state can create almost  unlimited credits from a small base of tangible assets. Tangible assets are owned by the Elites, and the credits are paid by the others, or the foreigners .... Winning wars is the best way to pay some debts !!!

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", Not a such problem !!!! The national  currency is created from the State ressources and taxes .... The secondary currencies are created to develop sustainable and tangible assets !!!

So, even a country with a low level of resources or taxes, but innovative, could become sucessfull with this methodology !!!

Monday 9 December 2013

A cashless society ???

A cashless society is a strange future !!!!! 

It's normal to pay taxes if the government works well, and tracking your payment is a false argument .... However, a cashless society is a based on debt !!! The electronic money is the ultimate form of debt ..... and a worthless currency.

And how many people in the world could afford to buy the electronic tool (Iphone or computer) necessary to make payment in a cashless  society ??

It's insane !!!! People will be more focused on money and not on exchanges and interactions.


Saturday 7 December 2013

A Quote from the Holy Bible

1 Samuel 2:7

The LORD sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.
 I think Poverty and Wealth have been invented the day the human being has imagined himself as  UNIQUE ……
The Mankind is a social concept, and the differences between people are the true wealth.  In a "strong linked" society, money is not a necessary tool.

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is a paradigm used to respect both the individual property and the social need of partnership.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Natural Resources VS Electronic Wealth

Can you be aware about something very strange ??? 

Most people consider forests, oceans, lakes, mines, as .... unlimited resources !!! and are not worried about waste .... But,  the same people consider the electronic wealth on their bank accounts as a limited resources and want always more money ...

There is something truly special in the PSYCHE about money .....

Sunday 1 December 2013


The ratio between   deposits and loans is the main equation to measure the health of a bank ….. with the concept of Fractional Reserve Banking.

With the methodology named “Outsourced Resources Banking” , It’s different

About the banking assets,
- In our methodology, the Banking assets are used to create a convertible AD HOC currency, used in projects to develop sustainable wealth.
- So , the amount of assets can be freezed during the process of wealth creation …..
The ratio between  global Assets / Assets freezed would be the good equation to evaluate the health of a Bank using the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”.

There is no dependency with this methodology, no “debt slavery” …… Our motto : Creating exchanges, interactions and new Assets.

Price and Value

The Value is the intrinsic quality of an item, its price is the subjective measure of this value. … Can you tell me if the fiat money is  the best option to determine the price ???

In History, there are 3 kind of currencies  :

  • The Gold/Silver money

Its value is based on its content in precious metal and the price of this matter.

  • The Token 

Without intrinsic value, it’s a useful  medium of exchange in a community, linked by a common project

  • The Fiat money

Fiat money is guaranteed only by  the signature of the State which made it a legal tool for payment.

With the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”,  we consider the possibility to create some “Ad Hoc” currencies  ….. convertible each time in a tangible “money asset”.  

Instead to create public  money from Credits, we could create temporary money from projects.

50000 years ago, several human species existed on the Earth … The Homo Sapiens has won the “battle” because of its intelligence and abilities to communicate with a complex language …. So, he could use tactics ….. The other human species like Neanderthals has used only the  physical strength and the toughness ….. 

Remember the Latin quote "Homo homini lupus"  meaning "man is a wolf to [his fellow] man." 

Money is a big part of the human comedy …. But we hope on this research blog developed an useful concept to cope with the world wide monetary problem

END OF THIS BLOG , now it s on

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