Saturday 5 October 2013

Economic collapse and modern science

 “Fractional Reserve Banking”, for a century, has helped Scientists  from the West to get  large quantities of  money, created out of nothing,    to manage many projects very quickly on all the scientific fields …..Faster computers, faster planes, faster communications, faster detections, ability to create life ex nihilo , enough nuclear energy to destroy the planet …..

Do you think modern scientists are better than scientists , 200 years ago ??? I don’t think so, …. More knowledge nowadays, more common sense in the past ….

The modern science has created a gap between the mankind and its environment… Science should serve the common well – being, not the economy or provide high salaries in the private laboratories. 

The concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” is created on a paradigm based on USEFUL EXCHANGES and POSITIVE INTERACTIONS  !!!!  This concept is developed to create  money,  not from Credits, but from an asset and to  accomplish a sustainable project.

How science will get money with the concept of “”Outsourced Resources Banking””” ???

- BY THE IMPACT IN THE REAL LIFE !!!! with an ad hoc currency on each project 

The antique scholars often have  only  observed the world to make discoveries …. Do you know the concept of the “”atom” has been invented 2400 years ago ??? Do you know the circumference of the Earth has been accurately calculated 2200 years ago ??? 

Nowadays, many scholars write books, articles with informations from older books. It’s a waste of money and time. Traditional knowledge has been forgotten .... 

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