Tuesday 29 October 2013

The East and the Gold

In the upcoming years, Asia will control the global physical gold supply ….. So, a Gold based monetary system would be a true disadvantage in the West….

It’s the reason I believe the future for the West, after the collapse of the USD and probably also of the Euro, is to develop some private currencies….

The concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” is a way to imagine a sustainable vision of the monetary system in the next decade. 

Sunday 20 October 2013

The financial doomsday

USA is sinking in a sea of debts …. China needs to cope with many huge challenges …. Europe without a clear strategy …. Devaluation in Iran and India …. Many countries with some USD without worth….  Massive unemployment and poverty increasing

The Dark Ages for the financial world !!!!!

Production and Consumption are two obsolete economic paradigms …. But many common projects could be done, using ad hoc currencies and the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”

Thursday 17 October 2013

Banks and private interests

In History, we can find many examples of Kingdoms with debts and loans with high rate interests….. The poorest people had rarely some debts but, the richest people  often ….

Have we seen a change nowadays ??? 

In this current global financial crisis, the richest have debts , but as their money …….. Debt IS Money !! no debt, no money !!!

The former kingdoms had debts, to cope with  the costs of wars, explorations,  or disasters …. The current modern States have debts because debt  is money ….. and  the States have forgotten they can create money …. Because they have more money than ever before, letting private banks manage it …

The current financial system can be sum up in a single word : EXCESS …. And I believe the concept of Fractional Reserve Banking is probably responsible for the Overpopulation  …. 200 years ago, the world population was only 1 billion people. Easy money means long term project like children ...., and poverty in some countries means children must  care the elderly

It's time to change the monetary system !!! We consider the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" as a good step forward

Friday 11 October 2013

Too much money ......

It's strange to consider the true nature of the current financial crisis worldwide : TOO MUCH MONEY .....

In fact, since money is created by credits, there is no limits to new debts ....... Inside the banks, a huge amount of ""bad money"", or more accurately bad credits ..... will be deleted. It will be painful for people !!!

Is Gold a safe investment ??? YES and NO. The true safe investment  is health, food, a roof and a strong linked community.

With the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", a such situation is impossible .... In this methodology, a secondary currency is created as a guarantee to build productive exchanges and useful interactions !!!!

The "Alpha" currency MUST come from the State !!!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Why Money is …. « God » » ???

Because of the concepts of “Fractional Reserve Banking” and “nanny state”, we don’t care the true nature of our different moneys : A 500 euro banknote IS NOT equivalent at 500 euro in shares !!!!

The financial field is ONLY  the debt exchanges  !!!! I give you a paper, you give me  another ….. The financial field has never created wealth, because the massive production by the industrialization, for more than a century,  has been stolen on natural and humain resources worldwide. 

It’s important to understand a basic geopolitical issue !!

A State (Republic, Communist State or kingdom)  has public lands and goods, but  needs resources to guarantee security, law and common well being …. Each individual pays taxes for this !!!

If a State is well managed, taxes can’t be a problem …. Because all is done to create wealth !!!
IF a State is mismanaged or kidnapped by an Elite …. Wealth is now created to serve the Elite, not more the common well being !!!

Money as a debt becomes a tool to get an authority on others !!!!!!!

The concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” is developed to give up  this idea ….. The Financial World must create exchanges, not debts ….. and money must be a GUARANTEE , not a value or a debt.

We trust in hierarchy, not in the "self proclamed" authority

Saturday 5 October 2013

Economic collapse and modern science

 “Fractional Reserve Banking”, for a century, has helped Scientists  from the West to get  large quantities of  money, created out of nothing,    to manage many projects very quickly on all the scientific fields …..Faster computers, faster planes, faster communications, faster detections, ability to create life ex nihilo , enough nuclear energy to destroy the planet …..

Do you think modern scientists are better than scientists , 200 years ago ??? I don’t think so, …. More knowledge nowadays, more common sense in the past ….

The modern science has created a gap between the mankind and its environment… Science should serve the common well – being, not the economy or provide high salaries in the private laboratories. 

The concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” is created on a paradigm based on USEFUL EXCHANGES and POSITIVE INTERACTIONS  !!!!  This concept is developed to create  money,  not from Credits, but from an asset and to  accomplish a sustainable project.

How science will get money with the concept of “”Outsourced Resources Banking””” ???

- BY THE IMPACT IN THE REAL LIFE !!!! with an ad hoc currency on each project 

The antique scholars often have  only  observed the world to make discoveries …. Do you know the concept of the “”atom” has been invented 2400 years ago ??? Do you know the circumference of the Earth has been accurately calculated 2200 years ago ??? 

Nowadays, many scholars write books, articles with informations from older books. It’s a waste of money and time. Traditional knowledge has been forgotten .... 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

A Gold Backed Yuan …..

The Chinese Financial System is not clear and not yet adapted for 1.3 billion people ….. But after the end of the dollar as the de facto world currency, if China decide to back its Yuan with physical gold !!! the world will be WIDE OPEN for the """Middle Empire"" !!! 

China owns already many societies  and lands worldwide , has commercial agreements with most of the countries and has many high level technologies sold by Westerners !!!!

At least 600 millions Chinese people live in poverty, so the potential of development inside the country is huge ….

M0 in Yuan is even low, in comparison with USD and Euro and  population in US and Eurozone  4 times less big. .  ( http://www.pbc.gov.cn/publish/english/955/2013/20130912105329509814969/20130912105329509814969_.html ) ; ( http://www.tradingeconomics.com/china/money-supply-m0 )

A gold backed Yuan as an international currency could be used by China for the little business sectors not yet in the  Chinese hands …

It would be a back in time before the opium war in the 19th century , or even, in the 14th century with the powerful Chinese empire which helped admiral zheng he to discover the world  !!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

"Shutdown" in USA !!!


How to continue in a such monetary system ??  with a world  reserve currency which is truly without worth …. The World Financial System creates a DEBT, not WEALTH 

The concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking” is based on the following  idea : “Economy, it’s the EXCHANGE and INTERACTION, not PRODUCTIVITY and CONSUMPTION”. 

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