Monday 27 August 2012

“Nanny state” , communities and money

In Western countries, the “Nanny state” invites people to reach a vertical solidarity  link instead of a horizontal link inside communities.  It was easier, but now, with the decline of western economies it won’t be simple to build social links ex nihilo inside communities, except around religious or ethnics issues. Creating currencies with an intrinsic value (gold or silver) was probably a mistake, money is only a technology emphasizing exchanges. So, money must have a “trust” more than a value.

Fractional Reserve Banking came probably from our inability to manage and improve only our daily resources without expecting a much better or “virtual” wealth immediately. In a money debt system, “Recession” will always be a key word and middle class should become weak and sometimes disappear…..

 Therefore, it seems necessary to manage a banking system around PROJECTS and COMMUNITIES ! !! The famous Fureai Kippu (ふれあい切符), in Japan, is a good example of a successful  ad hoc monetary system. Studying derivatives market is a travel in the Fourth Dimension !!!!  Virtual money will disappear, not real wealth , if only  we can see it.

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