Monday 27 August 2012

“Nanny state” , communities and money

In Western countries, the “Nanny state” invites people to reach a vertical solidarity  link instead of a horizontal link inside communities.  It was easier, but now, with the decline of western economies it won’t be simple to build social links ex nihilo inside communities, except around religious or ethnics issues. Creating currencies with an intrinsic value (gold or silver) was probably a mistake, money is only a technology emphasizing exchanges. So, money must have a “trust” more than a value.

Fractional Reserve Banking came probably from our inability to manage and improve only our daily resources without expecting a much better or “virtual” wealth immediately. In a money debt system, “Recession” will always be a key word and middle class should become weak and sometimes disappear…..

 Therefore, it seems necessary to manage a banking system around PROJECTS and COMMUNITIES ! !! The famous Fureai Kippu (ふれあい切符), in Japan, is a good example of a successful  ad hoc monetary system. Studying derivatives market is a travel in the Fourth Dimension !!!!  Virtual money will disappear, not real wealth , if only  we can see it.

Sunday 19 August 2012

No Debt = No Money

If we can create money from any assets, it’s not necessary to create new debt.  The current outstanding virtual “money  debt” is  disappearing and will continue to lose value…. , especially in the Western countries.  If the World is now a Global village, the real  strength is from each individual, each community. A tree is strong if its roots are strong. The motto could be “think local, see global”.

Therefore, I believe there is a huge need for long term visions and common projects. Fractional reserve banking exists for centuries, but even the collapse of the roman empire was also related with monetary problems, because of the lack of precious metal. Money is a power, and power means “responsibility”. When you give credit for consumption or unsustainable production, creating money out of nothing,  it’s a true lack of responsibility !!!!!!  When you make money from money, you don’t even understand the nature of this tool  !!!!!

Don’t forget  this wise Native American quote :

“””When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.”””

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Good ideas are simple

The Chinese ideograms are a wonderful   tool to develop new concepts, new ideas. Using in Japanese language, I have built the concept of Kyuuninkai旧忍会, in turn built around the kanjis (Kyuu) , which means ancient, past, in the past; (Nin), related to survival, endurance but also secret, and Kai () which means meeting, as exchange is at the basis of wealth generation.

 To be honest, money is a technology very easy to understand, but it was simpler to stay ignorant. ….The  financial world has failed to provide us a valuable and sustainable vision of the future. However, Economy is still alive if we can understand the true needs. 

Around 80 billions human beings have lived on Earth since the origins, each problem have a solution if we look back in history. Living is a tough experience and science or religions don’t have all answers, so it’s important to improve our endurance to cope with this strange travel…. 

 This century will be crucial for the Mankind !!!!  I hope money will go back at its real position, but virtual money should disappear and it will be painful. Instead of the consumption, mitigation and preservation  should be the true  paradigms in economy.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Central Bank or "Mobile Bank"

A Central Bank should manage money and financial duties for a State. A Central Bank should be like a treasurer for a non-profit association. … . However, central banks have incestuous relationships with private banks using fractional reserve banking, increasing global debt by virtual money, and never forget that the money for  the interest rates is not created by banks …..

So, it’s necessary to offer another methodology, like complementary currencies are a good alternative against national currencies. Be aware that it will be very difficult, or impossible  to give up Fractional Reserve Banking, but it’s necessary to find another paradigm !!!!

In a Globalized World, I trust “mobile bank” concept …. Prospective wealth and valuable assets are everywhere , but not equally distributed around the World. It’s important to have local and ad hoc financial tools. Economy, it's only EXCHANGE.

With concepts like “outsourced resources banking” , “ad hoc currency”, or “mitigative business” , I think banking sector could become a true  field activity.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

A currency : global or local device.

The US dollar era as a global currency will be over soon and the Euro is in big trouble……. Nowadays, Gold seems the most valuable global “Currency”. On the other hand, complementary currencies or private tokens can offer perfect solutions for local trade. Minting money is a sign of national sovereignty. In fact, a currency must be linked to a national, local, private  “PROJECT”. That’s the key word. A currency doesn’t need absolutely an intrinsic value but only an accurate use. 

 In a “money-debt” paradigm, deflation is a major risk. A currency must be a simple device. In deflation, almost anything can be used as money. It’s the reason i think a currency must serve a public or private project. In this stressful period, our modern societies need long term visions, ideas, common sense,  and creative people.  

Is there a good financial methodology for them ???
Can we create sustainable wealth without  infinite growth ???

I think so....

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