Wednesday 23 May 2018

How to cope with Racism and discrimination (Blacks, Women, Disabled …) ?

The stereotyps are a need for the human mind. The brain has a huge amount of information to manage each day. The stereotyp is a precious support to classify informations about things or people. But the stereotyps can also become a component of our own personality, and that s the key problem if it becomes a dogm or an intellectual object in our mind.

It s often emotionnaly related. Negative stereotyps about the Blacks , the Women or the Disabled can occur when a person has an emotional problem with the difference. About the disabled, it can be related with his own perceptions about the disease and the death.

However, such situation of discrimination can destroy the social life of the victim !

We can have arguments in front of the rationality. To cope with the emotions, we must create .. emotions ! And look for the positive stereotyps linked with the discriminated group.

Blacks are physically strong and tough. Women are in general smarter than men …. And Disabled are seen as brave, even is the negative stereotyp is considering they don t fit with the normal social life.

So, a clever black man must show his strongness and toughness before to show his IQ. An emotional women must show her IQ before to share her views and create links. A disabled must show his braveness before to fit well in the social life.

Weaknesses or Problems never create results ! Stay focus on the positive things if you want to create results.

People are not necessary bad. Most often, they are weak or ignorant.You should give up the Bad, or create a wall with him, and be focus to educate the ignorant with this method.

PS : I am the French amputee Quarterback coach with the crutches ... In Far East Russia. I think it s "brave" ;-)

Le sentiment du Soi et le monnayage

Dans l'Antiquité, C'est l'appartenance collective qui définit l'identité individuelle … « Cogito, ergo sum », « je pense donc je suis ». Le corps physique ne s'intègre pas réellement dans la définition du Moi. De ce fait, peut on penser que la monnaie métallique est un objet d'individuation ? une projection de l'individualité naissante ?

Le corps commence à faire partie intégrante du sentiment de soi, à partir du XVIIIème siècle. Et , c'est intéressant, car la masse monetaire commence à beaucoup se virtualiser à partir cette période avec la généralisation du papier monnaie et du credit.

Au XXIème siècle, le Moi s'inscrit principalement dans la visibilité, dans le masque social, dans le reseau … et c'est le monnaie des cryptomonnaies.

Il serait vraiment intéressant de faire une analogie plus poussée entre monnaie et sentiment de soi !

Friday 18 May 2018

Why the middle class is disappearing in the West ?

The Middle Class is disappearing in the West, because of its close link with the Welfare State, the quality of public education, as well as the huge number of public workers ....

Now, the power is in the hands of the biggest corporations ... Them, they need the upper class and the working class.

To be or not to be" .... the petrodollar

Interesting article !

Tuesday 1 May 2018

"Money oriented" vs "Results Oriented"

What do you prefer for the Economy worldwide ?
You add value, You monetize this value.
You add money, to buy or create assets and services. And you create artificial values for the assets, and you need much more money in circulation and always finding new resources as assets
Do you prefer being "money oriented" or "Result Oriented"

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