Friday 16 March 2018


A pretty interesting article !!! 

RIP Stephen Hawking

An interesting link about his predictions.

I am always sad when a very clever man die, because the World needs much more bright minds to work on real problems ! (AI or finance attract smart people, but are not related with the key challenges the mankind must cope with)

UK vs Russia 

A "cold war" with Russia is currently a really poor attitude and a stupid strategy  by the Western countries !!  

Because Russia has political stability and a multipolar vision of the World. Economically, Russia is on a good momentum too. 

Russia is not a natural ally with China !!! But The West put them on the same side and with close links .... and a partnership Russia - China is really too powerful

Global Hunt for jobs !!

A really interesting article !!

Friday 9 March 2018

Why a carnage on cryptocurrencies ?

Only because most investors see cryptocurrencies as « goods » to buy and sell. A currency is not a good, a currency is a tool !

If you use well the tool, its value increases, if not, its value decreases .

I think any crypto can really increase in value if there is a network of users and a valuable economical purpose.

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