Friday 28 April 2017


By creating a small transportable reserve of value named "money", the Human Being invented a form of power …. No need to be included in a community to increase common wealth or work, only need to get money …

The monetary experience of the human being is recent in Human History and,  is collapsing with the emergence of Blockchain and digital currencies system ……. Remember that we have explained on this research blog that money is only a social relation, a guarantee !!!

Tangible values of most assets are clearly illusions …

1) How worth a big apartment in a city inside a war ???

2) How worth a diamond if you are hungry ???

3) How worth physical Gold if the prices is tricked with paper gold  ???



Tuesday 25 April 2017

QE by the Central Banks and the Bonds market

Quantitative easings have never created Inflation or hyperinflation, only because all this money supply has never jumped in the real economy ….

Cash has been used to buy back public bonds and keep the stock market high ….

Western Central Banks have now a massive reserve of cash ….

The ends of Quantitative easings should create an increase of the interest rates on the public bonds ….

So, we will have probably problems ahead in the next 2 years on this market !!! and with all this money supply, the Western Central Banks keep a "weapon of mass destruction" to cope with emerging currencies in a close future.

Monday 24 April 2017

French Presidential Election and the Future about money ....

Emmanuel Macron will be, without  big doubt, the next French President....

In History, France has created several major concepts for the Mankind and been in advance on several fields.

It s the same thing for this Election ! The Western countries are jumping into a digital currencies system only because they are bankrupt ... So, there is a huge need to maintain an heavy control on the citizens in their daily activities.... and theirs taxes.

The social life is splitting between big owners or very skilled people .... and the others who will cope with poverty, unable to adapt in the new "developed" World.

Emmanuel Macron said that there is no French culture, therefore France will sink in huge european entity ....

Globalization is a young process but globalization is a fail process ... because of its negative social and environnmental impact ... and poverty in emerging countries and massive debts in the West.

But political control is priceless for some people and maybe Euro will continue longer than i expected ..... because everything, even the most insane actions, will be done to keep it alive.

Saturday 22 April 2017

How Numismatic can help the financial industry ??

Numismatists know everything about the financial liquidity since the creation of money.

And The Financial liquidity is the key problem currently for the banking industry. ... How to create financial liquidity without creating new debts ??

1) Public Bonds are worthless because the governments are bankrupt !

2) Most of the stocks are overvalued because of "cheap money". Many companies buy back their own shares...

3) Environmental and social impacts of massive consumption are massive.

So, Entrepreneurial or social projects at local level are currently clearly threatened by the credit crunch ..... The social world is spliting between the biggest corporations and their employees...

There are knowledges and skills in the Middle class and we consider that the Financial world must find a way for them ....

We consider that answer the question "WHY to make profits ?? " is better than "HOW to make profits ??"

As a Numismatist for a while as well as a Diamond Grader, i have been deeply inspired by the Stones Money of Yap.

The Economy of the diamond business is based on the scarcity of these stones and on the easy credit which authorize the Inflation of the prices.

With a massive credit crunch worldwide, the diamond industry can collapse .... !!!

 if the diamonds are a wonderful reserve of value , they are not easily liquid. But they represent a wonderful collateral to back projects at early stages ....


Blockchain or digital money supply will be probably used at large scales !!

but at local level, or for specific purpose, we consider some tangible assets , like diamonds, can be used as a capital for companies designed to support projects.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK .

Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Financial Industry and your dream ....

The Financial Industry in the Western countries struggles nowadays to help clients increase their savings .....

Stocks are overvalued, Public Bonds are worthless because the States are bankrupt ....

and the Financial Industry is changing in a daily services business.... (cell, insurance...)

But maybe the key question is not "HOW you can increase your financial savings " but "WHY you can (or need to) increase your financial savings?? "

You can do that only because the money supply increases without limit .... So each unit of currency you own has a less purchasing power .... each time new credits, it means new money, are created.

The Bank can make money from your deposits ... But the Bank should also advice you to complete your dream, .... the main reason you want to increase your savings.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Collapse or not ??

A really interesting article !!!

What will happen on the currencies market ???

The Euro has clearly not a sustainable future .... And The New US President has clearly forgotten the Triffin Dilemma and the need for a massive monetary reform worldwide ....

USD and Euro are the main reserve currencies worldwide .... But if Euro can t survive, USD will skyrocket and nobody wants it.

The future of the Euro is not in the upcoming French Presidential Election , but in the needs of the non europeans Leaders.

Emerging countries have higher interest rates, it means the savings can grow ... unlike in the Western banks.

The World has understood that the West is sinking and i think the emerging currencies could become a valuable asset.

The WORST form of debt .....

How is it possible ??? The Western countries have clearly an insane view about m9ney ... Nothing is free, everything must be producted, built or created .. !! Credit card is really the worst form of debt because the easier to use.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Monday 10 April 2017

4cs Quarterback Club - Russian Tour 2017

Passing Game Management Class in Iaroslavl, QB practice in Vladivostok. IT HAS BEEN A GREAT TRIP !!

Saturday 8 April 2017

4cs Quarterback Club - Russian Tour 2017 in Yaroslavl


After a  theory session  about Special Teams in Vladivostok, today, i managed a session about Passing game management for my team in Yaroslavl.

Contact : Coach Michael J.P.LAURENT 

Wednesday 5 April 2017

4cs Quarterback club - In Far East


Contact :

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Whst is the MAIN difference between the Western culture and the Eastern Culture ???

The PERSON ...

In the West, the person is the social paradigm and people play with social masks .... In the East, the person exists, inside a group, relations and connections are KEY words.

4cs Quarterback Club - Vladivostok Wild Pandas

I have had really pleasure and good time Coaching there. Look the picture on the article above. it s look like C.alifornia

Saturday 1 April 2017

4cs Quarterback Club - 1st day in Vladivostok


Beautiful Weather at the Far East University for a first session with the QBs .... i worked also pass protection with OL.

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