Tuesday 28 March 2017

About the Facet on a diamond


A GREAT ARTICLE ABOUT DIAMONDS CUTTING !!!! A polished colored diamond is clearly a rare asset.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Companies VS the financial credit : Investing in a sustainable monetary system !!

The development of credit for 300 years has allowed the multiplication of entrepreneurial projects,  but also leaves a violent imprint on  the physical environment and on the human society .... This has widened inequality (because the poor are less poor but remain poor) and ecology is now a crucial political issue.Today, the development of massive financial bubbles has resulted in the fact that this system has lapsed ...Money as an exchange tool is easy to replace by any token ... .. because money is a social relationship, a simple guarantee. But what about money as investment ??? What is the use of money as a store of value?The return to the gold standard is very unlikely .... Moreover, the inconvenience of a currency which is a tangible asset is the tendency to thesaurize it, and thus to cause a deflation .... The disadvantage of a "debt currency" is the constant and irreversible loss of its value.We believe that entrepreneurship must rest before out on the idea of ​​having a positive impact on the world, create value added ...... Also always  think project before thinking money !!! We believe that the relational network is also  indispensable for any business !!Therefore, we propose that financial companies issue shares that are backed by tangible capital .... These actions must be made available to solid entrepreneurial projects as collateral, and eventually redeemed once the wealth created and the project is completed.Financial companies can thus play a role as a new kind of business incubators. We must not remain caught up in financial tools that do not make it possible to enhance the local economy. In the context we are discussing, money retains its role of social relationship, retains a tangible value and the creation of wealth is free and accompanied.

Contact: Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd., HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com 

L entreprise face au credit : plaidoyer pour un systeme monetaire d investissement durable

Le developpement du credit depuis 300 ans a permis la multiplication des projets entrepreneuriaux,  mais a aussi laisse une empreinte violente sur  l environnement et sur la societe …. Cela a creuse les inegalites (car les pauvres sont moins nombreux mais restent pauvres) et l ecologie est devenu un enjeu politique majeur.

De nos jours, le developpement de bulles financieres gigantesques a abouti au fait que ce systeme est devenu caduque …..

La monnaie comme outil d echange est aisee a remplacer par n importe quel token ….. car la monnaie est une relation sociale, une simple garantie. Mais qu en est il de l investissement dans la monnaie ??? Qu en est il de la monnaie comme reserve de valeur???.

Le retour au standard or est tres improbable …. De plus, l inconvenient d une monnaie qui soit un actif tangible est la tendance a le thesauriser, et donc a provoquer une deflation …. L inconvenient d une « monnaie dette » est la perte constante et irreversible de sa valeur.

Nous pensons que l entrepreneuriat doit reposer avant tout sur l idee d avoir un impact positif sur le monde, de créer une valeur ajoutee …… Aussi doit on penser projet avant de penser financement et benefice !!! Nous pensons aussi  que le reseau relationnel est indispensable pour n importe quel business !!

De ce fait, nous proposons que des sociétés financieres emettent des actions qui soient soutenus par un capital tangible …. Ces actions doivent etre mises a disposition de projets entrepreneuriaux solides comme garanties , puis eventuellement rachetees une fois la richesse creee et le projet abouti.

Des societes financieres peuvent donc jouer un rôle de pepinieres d entreprises d un nouveau genre. Nous ne devons pas rester prisonnier d outils financiers qui ne permettent pas de valoriser l economie locale. Dans le cadre que nous evoquons, la monnaie garde son rôle de relation sociale, conserve une valeur tangible et la creation de richesses est libre et accompagnee.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO/ Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com

4cs Quarterback Club - Russian Tour 2017

From March 29 to April 9, i will be in Russia to manage Football camps in Vladivostok and Yaroslavl.


Contact : Coach Michael J.P. LAURENT 4cs.quarterback.club@protonmail.com

Friday 17 March 2017


Currently, we are jumping in an unknown financial world, based on digits and on tricked exchanges …..
I am blessed to be involved in two elit fields about investment : Diamond grading and Numismatic. I know where you should invest…

As a Football Coach, as well as a cancer survivor, am really concerned by all the stuff related with Health. And i am worried about all the techniques in traditional medicine worldwide, which could disappear. Intangible Heritage must be preserved like an entrepreneurial project ….

The monetary chaos in India the last months has shown a such event has a notable impact in the diamond business, and in economy in general. The smallest companies are taking an hit !! In the Rapaport mag in January 2017, i read a pretty interesting article named « Demonetization stalls production, buying  » …. about the situation in India. In business, only the biggest, the smartest or the companies with the best network will survive.

You have developed the pattern that money is nothing more than a social relation. It means a real guarantee. …..

So, we use diamonds as in kind contributions and we create the financial tools to support some promising and small innovative entrepreneurial projects …. , which suffer from credit crunch.

So, you can allocate us the diamonds to win money … by creating an momentum in the local economies.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT , CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com


Right or Left ??? Where are you on the political scale ??

On the political scale, the Right has a key concept : FREEDOM, the Left has another key concept : EQUALITY.

With a lot of freedom, people can be far less equal. With a lot of equality, people can t be free. The political experiences in History with Far Right States and communists states has given us the evidence that FAR RIGHT deletes equality and FAR LEFT deletes liberty.

My personal vision is that Equality is a myth …. We are not equal when we born depending our social class, physical conditions, DNA, caring parents or not, native countries in war or not …. We CAN NOT delete all these differences by a political action, by laws. Making the strong weaker to help the weak is not a good vision.

The Human Being has a natural ability for creativity and innovation. Freedom helps people to be more creative …. My vision is that freedom with a common interest should help to delete as deep as possible the inequality between people…. Everybody can do something good, economy, it s only social …. interactions.


PS : a pretty interesting article about the Globalism :  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-16/why-do-leftists-and-globalists-hate-tribalism-so-much

Thursday 16 March 2017

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Emerging Markets Currencies

 EM currencies are "backed" by the supply in US dollars worldwide. It s important to never forget this connection.

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Natural Gem quality Diamond are scarce , especially Natural Colored Diamonds. They are pretty good investment because clearly the smallest, easy transportable and best reserve of value (1 carat red diamond, it s 0.2 gram and it cost 1.5 million USD). Where will you find another asset as small and so expensive ???
But clearly, for Jewelry, synthetic stones have a market open for 2 main reasons :
- They are as beautiful and far less expensive. It s not sure that the younger generations will see diamonds as well as a symbol of love. A Real Estate and a sustainable job, that s maybe better for a young couple than a big D.
- They don t have an environmental impact like natural diamonds mining. And many people are concerned about ecology….
We think that the natural diamond market should consider the fact to be involved in the …. monetary market. Paper Gold and Paper Silver give us a false view about the market of the precious metal. Gold is a false monetary asset because No doubt that the central banks don t say the true about their reserves and Silver is a major industrial asset.
Metal is no more valuable in the monetary market …… Digits are worthless. We think that Diamonds are wonderful inkind contributions to back innovative entrepreneurial projects. Numismatist , as well as diamonds Grader, i really trust a 2.0 version of the Stones money of Yap.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO/ Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com


The Banks created, for 100 years,  a too massive money supply for speculation, unuseful productions worldwide for massive consumption and States spending ….. Now, the giant banks literally own the world !!!
Nobody can forbid the banks to do that only because the biggest companies needs financial liquidities for employment and with their wages, the employees buy goods and the States are masters to waste money ……
Small Community banks could work well but even, if the States have no more power on money, they care the private banks ' interests . 97 % of the money supply is created by  the private banks ….
In front of a such problem : there are 2 strategies :
- Be ready to cope with a collapse !!! and start again from almost zero
- Increasing the number of Rules to manage the debts, like the 50 and 100 years public bonds to change nothing ….
A collapse will be really painfull , but will offer room for improvements !!  Increasing the number of rules and the long term debts decreases the ability to create useful economical exchanges on a long term basis …. It will create a Mankind divided in 3 categories : public workers and people with social benefits , owners of the biggest corporations and their employees.
The Industrial Revolution created a scaring current situation !!!
And Keep in mind that the value of a good never increases financially, that s the value of the currencu which decrease and makes the price goes HIGHER ….
We bet on a upcoming massive monetary reform worldwide !!! we plan in the upcoming year or in a decade a Worldwide unit of account including blocked conversions with national currencies ….. 

Contact :  Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO/Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com 

Why governments have no more power about money ???



But nothing can be done without a real political will !!

Saturday 11 March 2017


This is a very interesting book .... but still a very limited understanding about MONEY.

Money is an agreement, money is a social relation, Money is a guarantee ... We think our social relations with others should be managed by the States.. but no, the quality of our social relation is related only with our vision of money. Do we think money as a servant or a Master ??

Gold standard had blocked the relation inside a small space (the quantity of physical metal) .... but credit out of nothing, devaluation are creating some social relations based only on .... OUR IMAGINATION.

Why money is so important ?? Because money is freedom but only if we stay a servant for money ... That s the Real Paradox.

My Financial Start up Mila Solidus Ltd, HK thinks about money only for a single concept : PROJECTS. We think that the economy , it s really about Projects around our available resources. We don t trust speculation .... An asset never increases in financial value, it s only the value of the currency which decrease.

Contact : Michael J.P. LAURENT CEO /Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com

Friday 10 March 2017

US debt ceiling


Years after years .... Always the same problem. The Western countries have adopted for decades a level of life unsustainable with the natural resources available and which can t fit with their ability to produce goods, wealth or well being ...

It will end really badly, How ?? Nobody knows...

Monday 6 March 2017

Who can make money ?? – Theory for the next decades

The Global economical paradigm based on production and consumption is digging its grave ….. We think that the new main paradigm is related with the ability to create some « well being » and « networks » !!!

The Financial world must change too ….. and the run to go to jump in a digital monetary system is on this pattern.

I don t think that Keynes were right when he said the capital created could make a Mankind living in the Abundancy … The opposite happened  in the World !!!

We think that we are entering in an era based on entrepreneurial innovation ….. but it will create unfair situations between well educated people and non educated people, and innovation means often that we forget the old knowledge and traditions.


(so, in this paradigm, money can be gold, debt and digits, it does not matter

Friday 3 March 2017


Working in the Antwerp Diamonds District currently, i have been a witness listening  interesting discussions with several of the biggest dealers about this Tweet from the account of  Donald Trump.

I know the New POTUS has a very unorthodox political style , i know he inherited a false economic recovery in US but i appreciate him because he is among the very rare political leaders who know how works the Financial and monetary system .... and who has enough guts to reform it and a vision for this purpose.  ...

It s difficult for me to trust this tweet is not fake or not a hijacking attempt .. !!

A trial between KGK and Ivanka Trump jewelry Brand  occured 2 years ago and the New POTUS is a man who seems only oriented in the PRESENT TIME ... I don t remember he ever insulted a country in his past tweets, like he "did" for Belgium , and The US has legally no power to sue a private company at the Supreme Court for a ... family problem.

and Ivanka Trump business in Jewelry is really "small" if we compare with the size of the biggest diamonds companies in Antwerp.

My background in Science taught me nothing is impossible and i have no doubt the POTUS twitter account can be hijacked .... It s more difficult for me to trust than the new POTUS is mentally disabled to deserve an impeachment. ...

But the stressed discussions between the biggest diamonds dealers in Antwerp taught me how the SOCIAL APPEARANCE is important in business , even among the biggest and Smartest in the World....

HOWEVER, A BUSINESS IS ONLY A PROJECT .... And my small financial start up Mila Solidus ltd , HK has a simple project : REFORMING THE MONETARY SYSTEM WITH DIAMONDS !!

The financial value of a good , like diamonds, never increase !!! It s the value of the currency which decrease and make a price becomes higher (outside the case of goods for the basic needs, like food)  ... Diamonds and Gold are only reserves of value.

I think that money is a social relation ... Gold as money , it was straight social relations ... Debt as money, it s only social relation based on a power on others. ...

EURO, Dollar or Yen will collapse as a value ... Never diamonds !!

My company is owning some colored diamonds as a capital and has created Shares ... I offer these shares as a guarantee , as a "financial liquidity " , and my skills in management for innovative entrepreneurial projects at early stages.... , a bit like a business incubator where companies can apply.

As soon as these companies can fill a need, can create a form of wealth .... They should pay me in cash the value of the shares they located or  negociate ad hoc profits and i could stay part time owner.

With the profits, i can buy new diamonds .... and create new shares. it s 2.0 version of the Stones money system in the Island of Yap.

Contact : Michael J.P. Laurent CEO / Founder Mila Solidus Ltd, HK mila.solidus.ltd@protonmail.com

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