Tuesday 31 March 2015

The Mankind and its normal evolution : now Corporations and businesses

The human beings must live together ... We have a social DNA .... However, in the history of the Mankind, in a diachronic view, what are the Key elements about our need to live together ??

SURVIVALISM , Thousands years ago, or after each disaster ... The human beings survive in the tough périods  working together

FEAR OF UNKNOWN , The fear of Gods has been useful to manage the first human communistes.

THE COMMON INTEREST ... It s the basis of the Nation and the State (Kingdom or Republic) should serve the Nation

CREATIVITY ... It means corporations and businesses ....

With technologies , we are almost able to cope with disasters Alone ..... Even, if we don t know how to use them well, we are in thé age of available knowledge .... The concept of State Nation has now too many weaknesses ...

Unfortunatly, The next step is corporations and businesses as the new pillars of the Mankind

Why the negative interest rates on public debts ???

Only because money must DISAPPEAR..... The supply of " money debt" in the world is far too important .... The Financial system should collapse in 2008, it s a longer way to collapse thé system ...

Monday 30 March 2015


- It s clear, the world Financial system is truly sick, the stock market is in trouble .... We really think massive Financial destruction is on the way. We won t believe Greece staying in the Eurozone, by the end of 2015.... US economic recovery is an illusion ..... Zero interest rates means Fiat currencies Will collapse at a faster rythm !!!!!
- A social chaos is more than probable in the West, clearly before the End of this Decade ....(more probably before the end of 2016) ...  Digital money transfer will become the new strategy for exchanges .... As a numismatist, I am becoming an Archaeologist
- I don t believe the Theory of Conspiracy , I believe our ancestors created an Evil Strategy named "FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING" ... which helped the West to get an amazing technological progress the last decades, ..... But now, the MONSTER is out of control ...... And social pain is already massive ...... !!!! How will explain people the powerful nanny states won t be able to give you retirement pensions, or health or safety ???? Fiat means Confidence, the confidence is broken .....
- The East, including Russia,  has now the momentum .... to lead the World on economical, political and military field .... The East has in quantity the single UNIVERSAL asset : Physical Gold. Fundamentals are much better in the East. For exemple, how to compare public debt in USA and France (around 100% of the GDP) . with public debt in Russia (16% of thé GDP) .... But the West keeps a huge influence .... which should be used for a sustainable transition, not for conflits.
- In the West, It s important to remember the True nature of money : A GUARANTEE .... not a store of value.
- So, money must be a collateral .... It s all the meaning of the concept of ""Outsourced Resources Banking" i développed for my company MILA SOLIDUS Ltd, HK
- I am a HRD ANTWERP CERTIFIED DIAMOND GRADER, i have followed a training to analyse Ruby, Saphirre and Emerald. I enjoyed to work in a laboratory and to create my first rings ... i développed a friendship and a partnership with a local dealer in Antwerp
- With Fiat currencies worthless and a shortage of physical précious métal, only précious stones will remain a valuable store of value .... My choice has been for natural colored diamonds because it s one of the rarest asset on Earth.
- Stones money has existed on the Island of Yap and we think the concept could fit well in thé Diamond industry ....
- Colored diamonds could be the best collatéral to make sustainable projets real .... In some cultures, Stones could have an healing power .... We think précious stones could provide on this way some social Security....

THE VIVID DIAMOND BELOW, WITH THE STAR OF DAVID,  IS OWNED BY MY COMPANY.... ESTIMATION : 8000 Euros, to serve as a collatéral for a projet...
I wait applications and potential clients mlaurent.diamondgrader@gmail.com

Tuesday 24 March 2015

My coaching experience in Russia

I am very proud about it !!!!! Russian are good football Players ..... It s fun !!! I manage a SPREAD OFFENSE.

Friday 20 March 2015

The most clever quote on Internet ....

Do you think we really need to destroy This planet for digits on a computer named USD, Euro or Yuan ??? There is another method

Thursday 19 March 2015


With the concept of ""Outsourced Resources Banking"", the start up MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK has found the other way ...

About the price of Gold !!

Our company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK shares the views of This article ....
If Our business plan is giving colored diamonds and précious gems a monetary power, using thé Yap stones scheme, we think physical gold and silver Will PLAY a major position in thé future worldwide Financial system.

Why limiting cash use save banks ??? (for the moment)

ONLY BECAUSE THE BANKS DON T HAVE OUR DEPOSITS IN TOTALITY IN CASH ...... Only a very SMALL part because of the Fractional Réserves Banking system !!!

If money was without rates, paying with an electronic card or with paper notes ... it would be the same thing !!!

But money has rates !!!! Without using cash, people Can t Benefit from this rate ...... It means less exchanges at a middle or low économic level ..... which represent most of the jobs in the world

Wednesday 18 March 2015

The only pressure you get is what you put on yourself

What an amazing social pressure to win always more money ??? Because for many schools of economics, money is wealth !!! It s not true, the team ASSETS + EXCHANGES is Wealth !!!

money is not more than insolvent debts ..... created by the concept of Fractional Reserve Banking.

Our society thinks about price instead of value. Colored diamonds are among the rarest NATURAL ressources on Earth .....and the hardest material on the planet....


Monday 16 March 2015


BARTER is the exchange of goods and services !!!

ECONOMY is the exchange of goods and services TO PRODUCE NEW GOODS AND SERVICES.

So, an economical area needs a collateral, to back its exchanges....

Wealth is not assets, not money, but ... EXCHANGES. Colored diamonds could be  an innovative collateral.

Sunday 15 March 2015

""COLORED DIAMONDS CURRENCY SYSTEM"" - Dont think about price, think about value

Colored diamonds are one of the rarest natural assets of Earth ..... i visited last december the Jewelry room in the Hermitage museum ... In 300 years, the Romanov family have had only 5 stones ... , but including a wonderful Intense blue diamond weighting more than 1.2 ct ...

Price can suck for some tangible assets, but value remain intact.

Saturday 14 March 2015


Physical gold is the Alpha currency, all the monetary system based on debts is sinking ..... We can exchange gold coins for a fiat currency EVERYWHERE in the world ....., but we can t do the same exchange with colored diamonds.

Gems are a reserve of value .., and colored diamonds represent only 0.01% of the quality gem diamonds. These reserve of value should be seen as a "money supply"...

Our first stone, a VS 1 vivid orange yellow diamond , with a beautiful Star of David on the table is a ""8000 euros money supply"" ...available to manage economic interactions !!!

Friday 13 March 2015


If the quantity of money supply can be without limits, there are only  7 categories of tangible assets :
1) Real Estate.
2) Natural Resources.
3) Precious Metal.
4) Precious Stones.
5) Licenses.
6) Art goods.
7) Shares.

My hobby is Numismatic, i love rare old coins like on the picture below, but the main economical problem in a monetary system : WE DON T OWN OUR ASSETS.

The worldwide economy is sick, because almost every thing we imagine to be our possession is owned by another .... 

In a monetary system based on debt, with an almighty but uneffective Nanny State, It s clear ..... we need credits to keep an economic activity and money is created out of air ..... Only  few people know that ""our"" deposit on a bank account is not our money, It s the money the bank owe us .... Sign a loan to invest can be a good idea, sign a loan for daily consumption , it s modern slavery .. Even the diamond businesses in Antwerp have problems for financing ..... The closure of the Antwerp Diamond Bank has shown, only the best dealers will keep their activities in the upcoming years ...

BUT, it was not truly different in a gold or silver based monetary system ...It was easy to change the content of precious metal in a coin ... My company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK owns this extremely rare coin (only 2 specimens known in the world) from the Roman Emperor Trajan, known for the first devaluation of the roman denarius ...

The last centuries, do you think you could keep your home in front if Gold and Silver ?? OF COURSE NOT

CONCLUSION : People have forgotten money has been invented 2600 years ago to be a GUARANTEE of payment for unproductive people (soldiers, public workers ..., not involved in a barter system) . Money managers Own the world .... and we CAN T EXPECT POSITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO DON T OWN THEIRS ASSETS .... 

The system of Stones Money on the Yap Island is truly innovative and modern ... and can give us a way to show the effectiveness of the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" : 

- Stones money on the Yap island were like Collateral to make a deal between people who owned their own assets ... 


- I am a HRD ANTWERP Certified Diamonds Grader...
- I have a good friend and a good business partner in Antwerp who has already helped me to purchase many nice colored stones and create my first rings....
- I don t have the financial capacity and the will to become a big dealer, like my friend .... However, i have too many skills and beautiful stones to stay outside the diamond business, keeping an honest attitude... 
- Mastered in Geography, author, Courses completed in Emergency management,   Certified in gemmology .... QB coach in Russia .... I know to deal with complex problems ... i am also a 3 times cancer survivor.

So, to make colored diamonds the new Stones Money, and give MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK a field of operation , I offer you this VIVID  colored diamond AS A COLLATERAL : 

ESTIMATION : 8000 euros or 8250  USD



Thursday 12 March 2015


Director of MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK , I graduated from the HRD in Diamonds , Ruby, Sapphires, and Emerald.

i also completed an ICS 300 training.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Our new colored diamonds ....

The company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK has développed the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking " to improve the business continuity management methods....
As a numismatist, crazy about history, and as a HRD ANTWERP Certified Diamond Grader, i want to show the colored diamonds have the quality of a monetary asset.
So, my company invests regularly in new diamonds to keep in its réserves, thé last two are below

Found on Facebook ..... need a massive reform !!!

The company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK has developed management  methods to cope with this kind of problems, and a deep expertise in gemmology and numismatic...

Monday 9 March 2015

The monetary system before 2025 .....

We believe the monetary system worldwide will see a massive reform in the upcoming Years .... Gold will be re introduce in the monetary system and many digital currencies will appear. The national currencies will be also digital...
After 2600 Years of services, i believe cash will disappear in the upcoming decade. My hobby is numismatic, I will become archaeologist .....
Physical gold will be hoarded and physical silver will be use massively in the industry .....  So, a shortage of precious metal is anticipated ... Only Precious stones (diamonds, ruby, sapphire, emerald) Will keep a value as FINANCIAL LIQUIDITY ...
Nowadays, we need cash for daily small spending ...... Try to get several thousands USD or EURO in cash !!!
In a near future, we will buy bread or a magazine with an electronic device.......
Nowadays, natural colored diamonds are the rarest stones on Earth, and their prices are  not related with the white diamonds. The girl s best friend won t be a reserve of value in a near future , but a true monetary asset !!!!!

and CASH will disappear ......

The current level of the USD, like most of the Financial news, is hurting  common sense ..... However, it s possible to understand .... In an insolvent World of "digital money", cash becomes Scarce and which cash is the most universally accepted ??? : USD

However, cash control is more and more important ..... Exchanges with cash can t be controled, so cash Will probably disappear in the next decade.

How Will be the diamond business without cash ??

Wednesday 4 March 2015

My R8 coin

Many Thanks, M. Bernhard Woytek, you helped me to define this coin from Emperor Trajan was known only in two issues .... i have the second !!!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

QB coach in Russia

This spring, i Am the QB coach for the Yaroslavl Rebels ..... i practice online with vidéos on VK.com, but early April, i Will be in Russia to coach on the sideline.

Monday 2 March 2015


Have you ever seen This coin i purchased recently ??

after emails Exchange with the main spécialiste of Trajan coinage, M. Woytek, i know now  This coin is only thé second  discovered in the world ....

Sunday 1 March 2015


Nowadays, the monetary system worldwide is crazy .... Money = Debt , and the debt supply on the planet is clearly OUT OF CONTROL ..... ALL THE WORLD GOVERNMENTS ARE INSOLVENT.
But There are huge différences between the countries. In the West, the public spending are MASSIVE and based only on QE, it means money printed out of nothing.... In the East, including Russia, people prefer tangible assets like physical gold, productivity is far more important....
Eastern countries will cope with successfully the future massive monetary reforme worldwide ......
Fiat currencies are only debts, so worthless paper and digits on a computer, physical gold is hoarded, physical silver is a major industrial asset...... During the collapse, the value of fiat currencies Will evaporate, gold and silver won t be more available .....
So, upcoming chaos ..... but the diamond have the qualities for a monetary mission, especially for Russia which is the first producer in the world .....
In 2015, Russia is in a big economic troubles.... With the interest rates in the Central Bank at 17% to defend the ruble, signing a loan is becoming impossible for most of the russian people ... Several économists think Russia should GOLD BACKED his ruble ...I agree
The économy in Russia is based on natural resources, like gaz, oil or wood.... GOOD ides if thé other countries need energy for production, Bad idea in a period of low production and préservation of value...
This article is quite interesting but i DISAGREE his conclusion  http://mg.co.za/article/2015-01-15-will-putin-use-diamonds-to-rescue-russia
Gem quality diamonds are only 20 % of the diamond supply out of the mines ... Among This SMALL percentage, only 0,01% are colorer stones, not much more are LC or VVS (top clarity) .... RUSSIA can increasing the supply extracted in the mines without risk to change prices of polished diamonds....
With the diamonds, Russia has now the potential to produce the PRESERVATION OF THE WEALTH for the world !!!!
Instead to sell rough diamonds, Russia should create DIAMONDS BULLION BANKS, and sell shares of these Banks to get cash ..... In the diamond business, the motto is the right stone for the right client ..., so quantity is not important

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