Friday 27 February 2015


I love History,because it help us to understand our current problem..... The original mission of a bank is not creating or keeping money ..... but developing positive economical interactions !!!!
The company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK can help your community to build an ad hoc Financial system, based on the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking".


The concept of ""Outsourced Resources Banking" is adapted to businesses and communities  in post disaster situations .....

NO MORE DEBTS .... but a currency created for an ad hoc purpose and Backed by ad hoc tangible assets !!!!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Who is M. ONEIL ??? a numismatic question ...

A 5 francs coin with Bonaparte is not easy to find, a 5 francs coin with a countermark  from the French Empire is extremely scarce ( estimation : 1 countermarked coin  / 1.5 million coins minted) .... i found a numismatic treasure !!

I think This unknown coin has circulated only in UK .... The country needed precious métal before 1816 for their money supply ..... My Théory IS THAT they countermarked french silver coins .... founded on the captured ships and on the dead sorciers ....
In 1816, almost ALL have been melted

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Our money can disappear ..

It s important to understand our digital money on our Visa or MasterCard is only .... INSOLVENT DEBT !!!! It can disappear tomorrow or the day after ...
The financial system worldwide must cope with the biggest monetary challenge in the human history ....
Because the monetary system is unknown by the majority of people, our Elits can decide for the private interests ... of a minority.

The company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK focused on the precious stones business can advice you to improve your economic effectiveness.

Monday 23 February 2015

Why the economic growth is dead worldwide ???

Because the growth is a wrong economic paradigm, unrealistic without natural or social damages and closely related with the concept of FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING ...

Because we can print money out of nothing , we can create this kind of "growth" .... If people continue to accept worthless paper money, this crazy financial system won t stop ......

The Amount of debts worlwide is at a very dangerous level .... Upcoming financial destructions are sure !!!! The situation in Greece shows us our political leaders are clueless to cope with a major challenge for the Mankind : REFORMING THE MONETARY SYSTEM FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Friday 20 February 2015

Maybe a ""CHAMELEON"" diamond ...

I purchased this stone 2 weeks ago in Antwerp ....

I have taken this picture on february 7, at 4 pm near the window of my apartment

I kept the stone in the dark during 10 days ... On february 17, at 3.30 pm (the change of sun light for 10 days, 3 mn per day), i have taken these pictures near the same window in my apartment.

30 mn later, near the same window , the diamond is CLEARER...


Tuesday 17 February 2015


The concept of Fractional Reserve Banking is a slavery machine ..... but without the unlimited Access to Financial liquidity during the last 100 years, ALL the technological progress was IMPOSSIBLE ..... but AN UNLIMITED GROWTH IN A PHYSICALLY LIMITED WORLD IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE..
2600 years ago, money has been invented, not to make exchanges easier , but to be a GUARANTEE rewarding people who did not product tangible assets, like soldiers or public workers....
Currently, the signature of a State is not more a strong guarantee , defining a Price is a complexe challenge without confidence in your currencies.....
We think most of the major fiat currencies Will finish worthless, and we Will See a shortage of physical gold and silver...what Will remain ?? PRECIOUS STONES
Three Times cancer survivor, Numismatist , American Football coach, revolver shooter (ICORE life member), I studied Emergency Management in the JIBC..., but my amputation Can not autorise me to bé involved in a HAZMAT team ....
SO, i developed the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking", .....AN INDEPENDENT AND FLEXIBLE BANKING SYSTEM, BASED ON THE WEALTH CREATION, ....NOT THE MONEY CREATION.... 
  i hold a Master Degree, but i Am truly proud to be an HRD ANTWERP CERTIFIED DIAMOND GRADER.....
My company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK holds a collection of colored diamonds, certified by HRD and IGI.... I have pretty good connections in Antwerp.
We want to start and offer you an Unique project in the diamond business : "THE COLORED DIAMONDS CURRENCY SYSTEM", based on the idea of a "monetary diamond".
You need a collateral to make a deal successful !!! Think our colored diamonds !!!!! 
I have 2 ambitions :
- Showing a diamond can be like the famous money stones in Yap, and give my contribution in the future reform of the monetary system....
- Being a modern Business / Community Angel ...... with one of the rarest assets on the Earth. This planet is in need of a smart economy...... with useful interactions between people.
My collège background, my scholarly publications and my knowledge in pro sport management give me a large baskets of skills for an effective décision making process.

A major article you must read....

Yes, the current Financial system is truly sick ....., but who IS prépared for a huge worldwide monetary reform ???

Monday 16 February 2015

The numismatic investment

Investing in old coins is useful, but only in the rare coins, like you can see on the pictures, above
NEVER INVEST IN ""collectibles"" Euro !


Sunday 15 February 2015

Do you know the Queen Amalasunta ???

I can include in my numismatic collection a small silver coin, from This Ostrogoth Queen 1400 years ago ..... This coin is very Scarce !!

Saturday 14 February 2015

The diamond industry VS the financial crisis

The diamond business is very complex ..... From the mine to a ring, It s a hard way for a diamond ..... and mamy people involved. Evaluation is, from my view, the most difficult process.....
There are conservative méthodologies for mining or cutting a diamond.... Grading a diamond, giving it a value, Can not be as rigid.
The Rapaport index stays an uncomplet tool, and There is no index for colored diamonds.
We live an historical Financial crises worldwide.... IS diamond a good investment ?? Sure, it s the best reserve of value on the planet.... but how Will be the Rapaport Index after a collapse of the USD or the Euro???
A good investment must stay ..... LIQUID !!!!!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

A realistic view of the future in the financial world....

Gold stays the alpha currency, but precious stones have a Gap .... in This very possible dark future.

Interesting facts about diamonds .....

When the fiat currencies will collapse, we Will See a massive shortage of physical gold and silver ...... So, we think diamond coule bé a smart monetary asset....
The SCIO scanner , a small tool, coule be also use by everyone in the diamond identification....

Monday 9 February 2015

An ocean of debts ....

Incredible numbers !!!!! By our ad hoc  Financial methodology ,  our wish to make colored diamonds a monetary asset and our high level skills in the diamond business, Our company has the most innovative approach to cope with upcoming disasters...

Saturday 7 February 2015

A currency with a true purchasing power .....

Nowadays, with the massive money printing, currencies are losing value and even sense ...... It s particularly true in Japan .....

but take a look on This small japanese coin minted before 1870.... It named a BU. I purchased It last week.

with This small coin (less than 2 cm long), 150 years ago, the owner could pay a high level prostitute for all night .... (at least 1000 euros today)
The coinage in Japan before 1870 was one of the best exemple of hard currency

Friday 6 February 2015


I purchased this stone last week in Antwerp .... and i am truly in love for this diamond : a perfect weight and a very strange color ..... BOTH WHITE AND FANCY

The bad grade, it s only because the center of the stone is Grey ..... With only a few inclusions not clearly visible from the Table, this diamond could be graded VS1 ou VS2.

CLEARLY AN INTERESTING STONE ..... I DECIDED TO NAME IT ""THE SEED"" because all these curious caracteristics ..... It s really a stone to learn a lot about the diamond business.

i won t sell it ... ""THE SEED"" is, from now, the flag of MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK.

One of the rarest roman coins ....

I am very proud to include in my numismatic collection a very rare denarius minted for the Emperor Otho .... He has been emperor for 3 months ... its coinage is extremely scarce...and the quality of this coin is outstanding ....

The company MILA SOLIDUS LIMITED, HK can advise you to invest in the rarest coins and the scarcest diamonds !!!

Are you sure to be rich ???

Most people are unable to understand the true nature of the money ..... When the prices of the tangible assets increase, it does not mean you are richer .... It means the value of the currency is decreasing !!!!!!

We will go ahead a massive reform of the monetary system worldwide, with probably a big reset ... People with real estate, gold and silver will havd a peace of mind .... and the diamonds dealers??

With a big reset of the monetary system, the prices in the diamonds industry will be far more complex to establish.... It s the main reason that diamond must become a monetary asset.


Money must be a reserve of value, divisible, a medium of exchange and must be universally accepted as a guarantee....

Physical gold and silver are natural money ..... and the diamond ?? This stone is almost a money... a wonderful reserve of value, a medium of exchange ...However the value of diamond is not divisible and analyzing a diamond needs accurate skills, not universally shared .... The Rapaport index is not enough ... it s very incomplete.

So, a monetary diamond should be a "unique"
stone ...  with rare caracteristics to find !!! Like this one, vivid orange with a Star of David

Thursday 5 February 2015


In the future, we won t pay with gold coins in the daily life, or in very rare occasions ..... but physical gold will stay for ever the alpha currency !!!! Russian people who had physical gold have very well supported the collapse of the ruble ....

Keep gold and change it if needed for a fiat currency

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Deep Brownish Yellowish Orange ... by GIA


Ebola and Russia = rough diamonds crisis ??

The political tensions with Russia could be a true problem for the diamonds dealers in the West .... because Russia is the main supplier of rough diamonds in the World.. The second best place to find rough diamonds is Africa .... The Ebola crisis is painful also on this field.

Dangerous derivatives bubble, physical gold shortage ahead, unability in the West to find rough diamonds ....

Hard times are coming ....

Monday 2 February 2015

An ancient coin from Middle East

One of the rarest coins in my collection... An obol in silver minted in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, almost 1000 years ago

Central Banking is a mess ..... This obol had a true purchasing power...

Numismatic business vs Diamond business

I am a numismatist for 25 years .... i am a certified diamond grader and jewelry designer for less than a year ... I see a main difference : to deal efficiently ancient coins, we need a massive general knowledge, an outstanding historical culture .... to deal efficiently the diamonds, smartness seems the most important quality...

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