Monday 30 June 2014

Why the concept of "OUTSOURCED RESOURCES BANKING" is the best one ????

I have already explain many times on this research blog  why money has been invented (as a guarantee) , and why money as a debt has been used since 1694 ...... without shame

A global currency reset is a possible option, a collapse is SURE ... The bubble is too massive !!!! Check the Gold / Silver price this summer and , more important, this fall !!!!

Fractional Reserve Banking is money created out of nothing ..... It s slavery by debt !!! 

Outsourced Resources Banking is money creation for productive exchange and positive interactions !!! that s the true nature of economy ....


Wednesday 25 June 2014

GOLD .... this fall !!!

Geopolitical crisis in central Asia, The price of the yellow metal won t be fixed in London after August 14th .... And the chinese will lauch a TRUE financial on Gold in September ....

Including a possible physical shortage, the price will be huge in 2015 ....

The common sense will be the winner and its the reason I have developped the concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking"

Saturday 21 June 2014

The ""money time"" for GOLD !!!!

Gold is the MVG (Most Valuable Guarantee) .... Currently, It seems the bear market on the yellow metal is clearly OVER ....

I have spent the last days in Antwerpen .... It seems a very nice city !! But if Diamond is the major reserve of value, Gold is the main monetary asset !!!

Wednesday 11 June 2014


I think most of my readers have already understood that money creation by credits is a ... mess .... AT THIS VERY EXCESSIVE LEVEL !!!!

What can you do ???? 

The huge Money Supply worldwide  is now blocked in the banks ... which use it to "play" on the stock market ....

Negative interest rates show us that private banking money is ... WORTHLESS !!!! Only tangible assets can back a currency. 

An Ad hoc currency could be created ... EVERYWHERE !!! 

Sunday 8 June 2014

Fractional Reserve Banking is ..... Everywhere !!!!

It s a system involved in the currencies exchange, but in also on the Gold and Silver market ..... The leverage is only a fictional bet on the Future !!!

The concept of "Outsourced Resources Banking" is based on the fact that currencies, backed by tangible assets, must serve positive exchanges and useful interactions .... 

Money must be a reserve of value, but currencies can only be guaranteed "tickets" !!!!

PS : a bad news about Gold ....   BE careful on your investments !!!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Bankers are not guilty !!!!

It s  tiring to read so many negative articles about bankers ... They only are very skilled to use a malignant system : FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING, which has been invented by the WESTERN CIVILISATION .....

We are all guilty !!! 

The End of Gold ???


The current price is not serious .... The manipulation with paper Gold is OBVIOUS !!! Gold is the PURE Financial asset for thousands years ... it will continue !!!

Finding gold coins in the shops in my city in the South of France is becoming  more and more difficult !!! the physical shortage is on the way ...

Monday 2 June 2014


The current financial systeme is clearly unsustainable .... However, no common sense can be seen currently on the stocks market.

What kind of sparks will put the system down ??

I bet the physical gold shortage will be the main spark which will create a massive burning .... of the virtual financial assets. 

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