Tuesday 30 July 2013

Who must keep the cash ??

The goldsmith kept the “”cash”, several centuries ago ….. Bankers now !!! but in a sustainable society, who must keep the « « cash » » ??

Any government should have 3 main missions :

  • Security
  •  Law
  • Common well being
 Money creation is related with all these missions !!! Why the States  gave up money creation ? probably  because finding the money supply, like physical gold and silver , was too difficult and expensive !!!!

A "credit based" human society is unnatural …. Because it involves using the wealth of the future generations, instead to create good conditions to them.

Cash must not be hoarded, but circulated and invested in tangible assets !!!! The "Not created" interests are clearly a disease.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

My twitter account

Because I think there are enough good concepts on this research blog , which should be used in the real life !!! So I have opened a twitter account

Monday 15 July 2013

The Laffer Curve

Interesting scheme !!!!

But around Taxation, the main question is : What are the true public missions for an independent State ?? , because taxation, it's public money….

 With the current concept of Fractional Reserve Banking, The State is not the master of its own money…. In the Antique Times, the State could still control physical Gold and Silver supplies, with a military support.

With the concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”, the public taxation is only related with the effectiveness of the productive exchanges.

Saturday 13 July 2013

To stop the collapse of the silver roman denarius

With the Concept of “Outsourced Resources Banking”, stopping the roman silver monetary collapse was easy !!! 
  • Let the Republic and the Empire be wealthy with Lands, Gold and Silver !!!! Under  the military protection … The two main responsabilities for a State are : Security and Law , for an effective social organisation. 
  • Let people some tangible assets, like  foods, houses, animals, education and health, using tokens or coins with a low value physical metal … to create useful exchanges without avidity.
 And create  a fair equation  between the both parties!!!

Collapse of the Roman Silver Monetary System

The author is right when he writes : “History is a catalogue of solutions” !!!  This article is quite good, and shows money as value or money as debt have the same kind of problem …. Paying the increasing governmental spendings has been also a big waste !!

Monday 8 July 2013

Sunday 7 July 2013

A civilization without currency

A good article on how an empire can become wealthy without cash !!!!

Even Gold has no quality, no value,  if we can’t be included in a sustainable social environment . “Outsourced Resources Banking” is not a bet on the future, it’s a view of the present …..

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