Wednesday 26 June 2013

The numismatic to understand the financial crisis

The numismatic is a great field of study to understand the real economy …..  I love the  antic numismatic because coins had a true value and barter was often used by populations.

 If we have  current problems with credits and debt,  the ancient people had issues about the constant needs of physical gold and silver. 

The best method for a monetary system should have two classes : 

-    A class backed by a tangible  commodity (like gold or silver)
-    A class based on tokens or Tesserae (used in the former roman empire) for daily spendings.  

In fact, there is many ways to use to keep us out of the economic crisis, but the lack of education, egoism, individualism and the  short term views could sink us ….

Thursday 20 June 2013

Gold and the concept of value

The recent fall of Gold during  the last months, is closely related with a concept of value which is clearly MISUNDERSTOOD !!! 

Gold is the most universal insurance against monetary craziness !!! But what is a true  value ???

The true value is given !!! a river can provide water, a land can provide food, a home can provide you  security, a smart guy can give solutions, a handy man can help you to cope with problems , a community can give you support, a book will give you knowledge , a artistic objet will give you its beauty, a tool will provide you more strength ..... etc

Sunday 16 June 2013

The “Finance Smurf”

The “Finance Smurf” is the sixteenth album of the original French-language Smurfs comic series created by Belgian artist Peyo. 

 The story shows  that 3 smurfs  become wealthy, because of productive activities  : Baker Smurf, Farmer Smurf, Handy Smurf …. The others become poor  !!

 The attempt to introduce money and credit,  among the Smurfs failed, because a currency based life is not useful in a community, even fictional,  with strong social links. The concept of “mitigative business “  (read post july  4 th 2012) has a simple philosophy : SUSTAINABILITY and IMPROVEMENT…

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Money and Biology : my Theory

For a living being, its genome is its barcode. But its genome evolves a bit throughout its existence, and its changes can be transmitted to the offspring.

Among the animals, the laws of reproduction give the ascendancy the strongest and most skilled individuals .... Thus, there is  a lower genetic diversity.

 Among humans, the cultural fact allows a more important genetic mixture between individuals ... What is "Culture" ?? Culture is the language and also  the ability to build ideas and concepts to explain the world, to name things and to accept them. Culture is a major part of the human reproduction.... See dating websites by religion or the huge number of families formed in the same social classes !!!
Creating a micro-universe (us), inside a macro universe , culture is our cognitive ability to connect with """God"" or the ""Great Spirit".

Many great civilizations in China , South America or in Middle East, like Phenicians or Egyptians, were dominant without using a money.  Why ?? Because money is closely related with the individual interest ... In a strong linked community, each individual expects help and gives help  !!! Each individual has a duty. In a monetary society, once you have money, you don't need the other, the other is not important ....

I believe the first coins in electrum 2600 years ago were a kind of reward for services ... (not useful for barter) minted by the kingdom, tangible and universally accepted.

Nowadays, The excessive passion for money is probably closely related with a brain less able to feel empathy.

Saturday 8 June 2013

"""Vertical archipelago""

That's a truly interesting concept for current challenges in economy !!! We need more common sense nowadays.

Monday 3 June 2013

War on cash !!! (France)

In France, it's now forbidden to insert banknotes or coins in a letter .....

A sad time for cash owners and numismatic dealers ! Private currencies and complementary currencies have  really a big gap in our future ! 

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