Monday 29 April 2013

Money and World Population

It’s important to remember  that the World Population has increased EXTREMELY FAST during the past decades. (1 billion in 1800, 2 billion people around 1920, more than 7 billion people in 2013)…

So,  sharing the same financial system is becoming more and more difficult …. It’s probably the main reason that, after being a value for centuries, money is now a debt.

Friday 26 April 2013

An antic monetary system !!!

I bought yesterday a rare Silver diobol from Corinth for my coin cabinet. This article shows us how complex has been the antic greek monetary system. 

But be sure the single tool to manage a such monetary system was .... the weight of silver !!!

To be confortable in a monetary system, keep, like them,  a solid pillar as fundamental !!!!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Enjoy this article !!!!!

The world is now far too complex !!!

To cope with this situation, common sense and the fundamentals are the tools needed !!!!!   I try to explain an innovative and practical view on this blog this last July. 

Friday 19 April 2013

Monday 15 April 2013

Psychology and Economy

I invite you to take  a look on this quite interesting article : 

Most people, even among  the Elits,  are affected by the "mob behavior"... In economy, like in other fields ,  It's important to have a personal ad hoc strategy and see the world as opportunities.

Sunday 14 April 2013

“Outsourced Resources Banking” in History

For centuries, the search of precious metal  has oriented geopolitical strategies….. The appearance of  Fractional Reserve Banking is closely related with the beginning of European expansion  worldwide and the permanent need of credits … At this time, the loans were easy to pay with the wealths in Asia, America and Africa. 

 “Outsourced Resources Banking” is a way for sustainability and autonomy… , a way for more responsibility.

ORB = (money link / Tangible Asset) * purpose

In an alternate history, Outsourced Resources Banking could be efficient in a resilient community , with strong links and  clear goal. 

Wednesday 10 April 2013

"Outsourced Resources Banking" and the Stock Exchange

Instead to print more IOU than reserves of  tangible assets like Gold or Silver , it’s more interesting to print the IOU needed to increase  the reserves  of such assets.

As a financial management system, “Outsourced Resources Banking” is following the statements below :
-    Security, sustainability, mitigation are better economical paradigms than production and consumption.
-    A currency doesn’t need an intrinsic value, because this value will be lost with the economic activity.  A currency needs only a strong guarantee…
-    Owning private assets is a universal right for each person !!!! Debt is only a tool to maintain people under control. Only your intelligence and your qualities  should authorize you to control  (to advice)  another person.

In a world with many currencies or units of accounts, focused on sustainable projects,  a stock exchange would be a place of meeting to create new exchanges and a good innovative momentum. 

Tuesday 9 April 2013


By essence, the economic activity is creating inflation…

More products = more money in circulation
More money in circulation = a decrease of its value

So, a currency doesn’t need an intrinsic value, because this value will decrease over the years. It’s correct for “money debt” and “money in gold or silver” !!!  It’s also important to understand that « public money » can only be “tax payers” money.  Coins in Gold or Silver are also used to rise tax on precious metal , still existent nowadays.

Let’s us imagine an alternate history !!!
In the past, basic metals, like Copper, Nickel or Bronze, could have a real interest to make tools or weapons…. Silver and Gold were more useful as wealth reserve, because of their rarity… The Tesserae were antic roman tokens used for only consumption for the poorest people…. 
This alternative way was possible !!
•    A basic Metal is an asset with an intrinsic value!!!
•    Using coins is a way to  improve the chance to create productive or useful exchanges between members of a common project for common benefits.
•    The value of the coins in the basic metal is used to make the project sustainable for the common benefits. The coins are melted …..

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Money and the individual interest

We used the precious metal to get coins, it has given issues about the metal supply.  Money as debt has no more credibility nowadays…. But “money value “ or “money debt” are emphasizing only  the individual interest.

7000 years ago, the appearance of the first civilizations in Middle East and in India  are probably related with a growth of the population and the need to create a common interest and useful rules ….The appearance of the first currencies is far later … 2600 years ago in Lydia … Why ?? probably because money was useful for international payments, but quickly adopted by small businesses, especially with the antic small copper coins.

So,  an universal, rare and divisible value (precious metal) was useful. The goldsmiths get a rare advantage around banking activities…..  In fact, the disconnection between money and a real commodity is very recent (only several decades).

With  concepts like “Outsourced Resources Banking” and  “mitigative business” (read post July 4th 2012) , my idea is simple : Making currencies   for the common interest.

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