Sunday 24 February 2013

Short chronology of money

Around 2700 years ago , the first coins in electrum (alloy  of gold and silver ) are probably only an "award" to develop the  social links and  the fair work.

Later, Gold and Silver are excellent reserves of value , but  bad mediums  of exchange …., with a  negative environmental and social impact to find new mines to increase gold and silver supply. .

The fiat money and the “money like”, created by private banks credits , are good mediums of exchange , but also  bad reserves of value because of inflation. 

The tokens have no value, but are the best mediums of exchange … at the local level.

And tomorrow ..... ????

Monday 18 February 2013

About our cognitive abilities ...

Take a look on this good article : 

Since I  study the "crazy"  global financial system, I can only agree this position about the decline of our cognitive abilities ...

Saturday 16 February 2013

After the US dollar .....

I invite you to take a look on this quite good article :  

Monday 4 February 2013

Exter’s pyramid

Several links about this interesting scheme  about assets !!!!

 You need money to purchase tangible assets, but as a choice , do you prefer money on the stocks market or tangible assets (a home, a car, a small land ....) ??

From my part, the useful goods are more interesting than coins or notes !!! Imagine if an asteroid entirely  in gold should crash on the Earth  ...... 100000 tons of gold available .... , but no more goods to purchase , because the environnement and the social links will be severely damaged !!.


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